SHINING STAR AWARDS FOR UNDER 25 YEAR OLD PARTICIPANTS EXPANDED for 2012 The Muscle Car and Corvette Nationals team is pleased to announce expansion of our Shining Star awards, for participants under the age of 25. After a talk with Dominic Rossi and Stacy Walters-Rossi, owners of TWO Corvettes that are entered in the show this year, about ways to encourage the younger hobbyist to participate, we came up with a way to expand the appeal. Joining forces with their company, ProArc Electrical Construction Company, Dominic and Stacy have stepped up to allow us to expand this year to present not just one, but THREE of these very special awards for 2012. “We really like to see the younger folks who are getting into the hobby,” Dominic stated. “We asked Bob how we could help out, and we all agreed that by expanding the awards, it would help to encourage more participation.” So this year, we will be presenting three very special crystal awards to three of our younger participants. These awards will be presented Saturday to the lucky winners right at their show vehicle, so that they can enjoy the accolades while the show is still open. Of course, we will also be announcing these winners at our Sunday awards presentation!
To be eligible for these awards, applicants must provide proof in advance that the vehicle entered is titled in the name of the under 25 year old participant. The winners will be chosen from the best with additional consideration given for the candidates participation and enthusiasm. The actual awards will be unlike any of our others, as they are very modern and futuristic crystal awards that will be admired for many years to come. If you, or someone you know, has entered or plans to enter and is under 25, and has his or her name on the title, please let us know. The show is filling up at a record pace, (many categories are already full), so get your entry and proof of ownership to us today.
Thank You Stacy and Dominic!
